Start multiple Nomirun module with containerized Nomirun Host

1. Pack 2 modules to run in the same Nomirun host

 nomirun host pack --name Monolith --modules "CrmService@1.0.0;AccountService@1.0.2" --host-port 5313 --nuget-server-name

2. Generate .env configuration file to inject into the container

First, we need to generate the .env file to run it in the container.

 nomirun host export-config --host-name Monolith --modules "CrmService@1.0.0;AccountService@1.0.2" -t DockerEnvFile

3. Start Nomirun module

Please note that you cannot start a module without building it first.

Once you have a built module, you can now run it locally, loading the module in the standalone Nomirun Host. Use Nomirun CLI for that:

# Start with standalone Nomirun Host
 nomirun host start --host-name Monolith --host-framework net9.0
# Start with Nomirun Host in the container
 nomirun host start --host-name Monolith --host-framework net9.0 --type Container

This will run module CrmService 1.0.0 with containerized Nomirun Host on your PC.

Docker desktop / Podman desktop needs to be installed to do this.

4 Stop Nomirun module

To stop the Nomirun module from the CLI, use the command below. You can also manually stop the running Nomirun Host container.

# Stop standalone Nomirun Host
 nomirun host stop --host-name Monolith
# Stop Nomirun host container
 nomirun host stop --host-name Monolith --type Container