Now you can create your first module. You can type nomirun module new -h
to get the help with the command.
An example:
❯ nomirun module new --module-name ToDoService --net-version net9.0 --type WebApi --output d:\Nomirun
This will generate the new module with initial template. The module is a .NET library.
When the module is generated, it will automatically open a solution in Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or Jetbrains Rider.
Once you create a module, Nomirun can automatically open your favourite IDE or editor. That depends on the assigned
application that can open *.sln
When the module is open in Jetbrains Rider, you will see the file.
Next, you build the code by clicking on the build icon in the toolbar:
Once built, you can run the debugger in the toolbar:
Once the host application is running, then you can navigate to the server. In case below it’s http://localhost:5310
Please note that the port is automatically assigned.
Then you can navigate to http://localhost:5310/swagger
. The Default username and password for Swagger are: user
and those can be configured in the Nomirun Host settings.
Now you can execute some requests with Swagger.
When the module is open in Visual Studio 2022+, you will see the main screen.
Next, you build the code by clicking on the build icon in the toolbar:
Once built, you can run the debugger in the toolbar:
Once the host application is running, then you can navigate to the server. In case below it’s http://localhost:5310
Please note that the port is automatically assigned.
Then you can navigate to http://localhost:5310/swagger
. The Default username and password for Swagger are: user
and those can be configured in the Nomirun Host settings.
Now you can execute some requests with Swagger.
For Visual Studio Code
you need to
install C# Dev Kit as
Visual Studio Code
is a multi-language development tool.
If you already use Visual Studio Code
for C# .NET development, then you probably do not have to do anything.
To open a solution in Visual Studio Code, you need to open the folder where your module is located. This is the main screen:
Next, you build the code by clicking on the build icon in the toolbar:
Once built, you can run the debugger in the toolbar:
Once the host application is running, then you can navigate to the server. In case below it’s http://localhost:5310
Please note that the port is automatically assigned.
Then you can navigate to http://localhost:5310/swagger
. The Default username and password for Swagger are: user
and those can be configured in the Nomirun Host settings.