Start Nomirun module with containerized Nomirun Host

1. Generate .env configuration file to inject into the container

First, we need to generate the .env file to run it in the container.

nomirun module export-config --module-name CrmService --version 1.0.0 -t DockerEnvFile

2. Start Nomirun module

Please note that you cannot start a module without building it first.

Once you have a built module, you can now run it locally, loading the module in the standalone Nomirun Host. Use Nomirun CLI for that:

 nomirun module start --module-name CrmService --version 1.0.0 --host-framework net9.0 --type Container

This will run module CrmService 1.0.0 with containerized Nomirun Host on your PC.

Docker desktop / Podman desktop needs to be installed to do this.

3. Stop Nomirun module

To stop the Nomirun module from the CLI, use the command below. You can also manually stop the running Nomirun Host container.

 nomirun module stop --module-name CrmService --version 1.0.0 --type Container